As the world continues to be more competitive and technically complex, knowledge and understanding of fundamental mathematics and science, and their application to the solution of real world problems is increasingly important. There is significant evidence and concern that the American education system is falling behind the rest of the world, especially in the areas of science and mathematics. The Mikkelson Foundation and The Mikkelson Education Fund were established to improve scientific and technical education. We provide support for organizations involved in informal science and mathematics education, and for students studying science, engineering, and mathematics.

We believe that an important element for improving the level of science and mathematics understanding is to generate in students the desire to learn and understand the technical principles of how things work. We feel that increased interest in science can be encouraged by knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenters who can make the subject matter relevant and understandable. We wish to provide support for individuals and organizations which deliver hands on, technically oriented mathematics and science learning experiences. Our interest is in preparing students for success in technical fields that require a strong understanding of and competence in advanced mathematics and science.

We work with educational institutions and other non-profit organizations to develop educational programs in science and technology which are aimed at improving the scientific and technical understanding and skills. We especially encourage programs which have a laboratory or experimental component which can be implemented in classroom teaching.

We provide scholarships for highly qualified students studying science, mathematics, and engineering. Scholarships are renewable for up to four years of study at accredited colleges and universities.


Organizations which support our goals

The Mikkelson Foundation
  • Science and Engineering scholarships
  • Informal Science Education Development and Support
  • Science Equipment Grants for Elementary and Middle Schools

The Mikkelson Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Foundation incorporated in Colorado in October of 1999. The Mikkelson Foundation was established to improve scientific and technical education by providing support for teachers and organizations involved in science and mathematics education, and for students studying science, engineering, and mathematics. The Foundation provides scholarship funds for college students studying math, science, and engineering, and also provides funding for informal education programs in mathematics and science.

Science and Engineering Scholarships

Each year,The Mikkelson Foundation Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding graduate of a Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho high school who has been accepted to pursue a course of study or instruction at an accredited college or university granting undergraduate and/or graduate degrees. The recipient will be a student who has demonstrated an ability to excel in the academic disciplines of mathematics and science, who will major in engineering, physical or biological sciences, or mathematics, and who has the potential for substantial additional achievement after graduation.

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Informal Science Education Development and Support

We currently support initiatives for organizations and institutions which provide educational programs in science and mathematics. We believe that improved knowledge and understanding of fundamental mathematics and science, and their application to the solution of real world problems is increasingly important for economic improvement in an ever more competitive world.

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Equipment Grants for Elementary and Middle Schools

We provide grants to elementary and middle schools for the purchase of scienticic equipment and supplies which will enable and encourage experimental and investigative activities. We wish to encourage hands on approaches to science learning.

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The Mikkelson Education Fund
  • Non-Profit groups and organizations providing mathematics and science education

Purpose of Mikkelson Education Fund

The Mikkelson Education Fund was established to support the improvement of the understanding of mathematics and science. The main focus of the Mikkelson Education Fund is to provide funding for the development and delivery of informal (outside the formal classroom) science education. We prefer to support programs which deliver hands on mathematics and science experiences for K-12 students.

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Support for Technical Knowledge and Skills Improvement Programs

The Mikkelson Education Fund provides grants to non-profit groups, organizations, and institutions which provide informal science training experiences consistent with the Fund's objectives. The Mikkelson Education Fund generally provides support for existing programs with a 501(c)(3) designation. We support educational requests in Colorado. Through the Mikkelson Education Fund we expect to be able to support two to three group or institutional programs each year. Grants will be evaluated on the basis of the suitability of the program or project to further the goals of The Mikkelson Education Fund.

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